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Repair Service For Ghd Gold S7N261

Repair Service For Ghd Gold S7N261

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GHD S7N261 hair straighteners can be repaired for 
This repair service is ONLY for the GHD S7N261 Gold Model  pictured above.

Check the label for the model number S7N261 

On receipt of your straighteners we will test, repair and/or replace any faulty electrical components. as per the details below.

For this repair service your irons MUST NOT BE DEAD. They must show some sign of life when plugged in, a bleep or flash of the LED etc;

If you are in any doubt please contact us before purchasing this repair service.

Alternatively if they are completely dead and show no signs of life when switched on it is highly likely that to complete the repairs the CONTROL PCB will need replacing and this will incur an additional £15.00 charge.


Once paid you need to package your Item in a jiffy bag with some bubble wrap so that they don't get damaged in the post. Include a copy of your order number, your phone number and your address

Post Them  To:

Ghd Repairs Services
29 Farringdon Lane
Ribbleton                                PRINT PACKAGING SLIP HERE
Please note only return postage is included in the price.

Most repairs are turned around in 24-48 hours 
Your payment includes Royal Mail 48 return postage and a 3 months warranty on parts fitted.

If you send us a different model or a set that doesn't meet the repair criteria as stated above we offer 2 alternatives.

A full refund and we scrap the irons

A refund less £8.50 postage and handling and we post the irons back to you unrepaired.

Legal Notice relating to GHD and the use of the 'GHD' trademark within this listing.

 GHD™ is a registered trademark of Jemella Limited. Any reference to the trademark within this listing is done only to depict the service or item listed for sale. All images and graphics describing the products that we sell on this listing have been photographed by ourselves for the purposes of a description of the service or item only and we do not claim association nor any affiliation to Jemella Limited or any of its trademarks. The Buyer shall be limited to damages which shall in no circumstances exceed the Price of the Goods and the Seller shall under no circumstances be liable for any indirect, incidental or consequential loss or damage whatsoever.


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Inventory Last Updated: Feb 10, 2025